On Tuesday, March 2nd, we will celebrate Read Across America Day. Did you know the National Education Association started Read Across America Day in 1998 as a way to celebrate reading? It coincides with the birthday of Dr. Seuss and was designed to motivate children & youth to become engaged readers.
A study conducted by the University of Sussex found that it only took only six minutes for readers to ease tensions once they began reading. The best news? It doesn’t matter what kind of book we read, as long as we’re engrossed in the content.
To celebrate Read Across America Day, we are joining with the Quaker Valley School District to encourage EVERYONE in the community to read together from 10:10-10:25am. Then join SPL staff on Tuesday, March 2nd at 11am for “Read With Us” a live-stream reading event on the library’s Facebook channel to celebrate Read Across America Day. Listen along with library staff as they read some fun children’s picture book stories.
We have some great Dr. Seuss books to read in our collection. Find all of these titles and more through our online catalog.