The following is a sampling of titles about play! These titles can be found in three sections of the library: Juvenile Non-Fiction, Parent and Teacher Collection, and Adult Non-Fiction. All of these titles are organized numerically by their Dewey Decimal number in their respective locations. JNF, or Juvenile Non-Fiction, is located in the children’s department. P/T, or Parent and Teacher Collection, is also located in the children’s department near the circulation desk. NF, or Non-Fiction, is located downstairs in the adult department.

If you would like further reading suggestions, or need help locating a title, just ask! We’re here to help!

JNF: Juvenile Non-Fiction

J 649.5 WIL 2000The Baby’s Game Book (Isabel Wilner) – Rhymes, illustrations, and instructions present a variety of simple games to play with babies, including foot tapping, knee rides, finger play, peek-a-boo, and tickle games.

J 745.594 GIL 2011 The Kids’ Winter Fun Book: Homespun Adventures for Family Fun (Claire Gillman) – The Kids’ Winter Fun Book is your idea-packed guide for fun in the winter months.

J 792 KOH 1999 Making Make-Believe: Fun Props, Costumes, and Creative Play Ideas (Mary Ann Kohl) – This informative text provides insight into the importance of drama in education, while also provided ideas and examples.

J 793 CAS 2001Winter Day Play! Activities, Crafts, and Games for Indoor and Out (Nancy Castaldo) – Provides dozens of ideas for Winter activities in such categories as Fun and games, Winter critters, and Winter holidays and festivals.

J 793 STO 1998 The Big Book of Games (Dorothy Stott) – Provides directions for playing a variety of indoor and outdoor games, party games, car games, and singing games.

J 793.4 BRO 1987Play Rhymes (Marc Tolon Brown) – A collection of twelve play rhymes with illustrations to demonstrate the accompanying finger plays or physical activities.

J 793.4 NEL 1975 Movement Games for Children of All Ages (Esther Nelson) – Discusses the importance of physical fitness with ideas for movement games.

J 793.4 STE 2001 Little Hands Fingerplays & Action Songs: Seasonal Activities & Creative Play for 2 to 6 Year Olds (Emily Stetson) – A collection of hand games that can be played with children.

J 796 GO 2012Go Out and Play! Favorite Outdoor Games from Kaboom! – A guide to more than seventy classic and contemporary playground games.


P/T: Parent and Teacher Collection

155.41 TO 2007 P/T – To Play or Not to Play: Is It Really a Question? (Christine Ferguson and Ernest Dettore) – Numerous experts in the field of child development make arguments for creative play.

305.231 HIR 2003 P/TEinstein Never Used Flash Cards: How Our Children Really Learn – and Why They Need to Play More and Memorize Less (Kathy Hirsh-Pasek) – Discusses the new formula for exceptional parenting.

305.21 MIL 1999 P/TSimple Steps: Developmental Activities for Infants, Toddlers, and Two-Year Olds (Karen Miller) – Provides information on various aspects of child development for parents and teachers.

372.21 SCH 2003 P/T The Complete Book of Activities, Games, Stories, Props, Recipes, and Dances (Pamela Byrne Schiller) – Lists a variety of activities for early childhood educators.

649.122 SIL 2000 P/T 125 Brain Games for Toddlers and Twos: Simple Games to Promote Early Brain Development (Jackie Silberg) – Provides a plethora of educational games to play with toddlers.

649.5 ROG 2001 P/T Mister Rogers’ Play Time: Encourage Your Child to Create, Explore, and Pretend with Dozens of Easy-to-Do Activities (Fred Rogers) – In classic Mister Rogers style, this helpful book includes information on inspiring creative play.

790.191 BEN 1991 P/T 365 TV-Free Activities You Can Do With Your Child (Steven Bennett) – Lists activities families can do together that don’t involve a tv.

790.192 CON 2007 P/T Unplugged Play: No Batteries, No Plugs, Pure Fun (Bobbi Conner) – Provides ideas and insights for “unplugged” play.

793.019222 LAN 1993 P/T Games Babies Play: From Birth to Twelve Months (Vicki Lansky) – This helpful title contains information on infant development in regards to play.


NF: Adult Non-Fiction

372.11 PAL 1992 You Can’t Say You Can’t Play (Vivian Gussin Paley) – Discusses the teacher and student relationship in regards to fostering play and healthy interaction.

Q 649 BRI 1992 Montessori Play & Learn: a Parents’ Guide to Purposeful Play from Two to Six (Lesley Britton) – This teaching aid discusses the role of play in preschool education.

649.1 CAR 1990 Who’s Calling the Shots? How to Respond Effectively to Children’s Fascination with War Play and War Toys (Nancy Carlsson-Paige) – Discusses the psychological aspects of war toys and how to respond successfully.

649.1 PLE 2008 The Secret to Play: How to Raise Smart, Healthy, Caring Kids from Birth to Age 12 (Ann Pleshette Murphy) – This informative book from F.A.O. Schwartz discusses the importance of play in child development.

649.5 COH 2001Playful Parenting: a Bold New Way to Nurture Close Connections, Solve Behavior Problems, and Encourage Children’s Confidence (Lawrence Cohen) – Dr. Cohen describes a new parenting technique that revolves around play.

649.5 H198 – Game Plans for Children: Raising a Brighter Child in 10 Minutes a Day (Jeanne Hanson) – Discusses how to incorporate educational games into homeschooling.

649.5 R631Mister Rogers’ Playbook: Insights and Activities for Parents and Children (Fred Rogers) – Provides creative activities that parents can do with their children.

649.5 Sp26 Learningames for Threes and Fours: a Guide to Adult/Child Play (Joseph Sparling) – Contains information about child development and games appropriate for preschoolers.

All About Play